Terrance Hayes

The Blue Seuss

Blacks in one box

Blacks in two box

Blacks on

Blacks stacked in boxes stacked on boxes

Blacks in boxes stacked on shores

Blacks in boxes stacked on boats in darkness

Blacks in boxes do not float

Blacks in boxes count their losses

Blacks on boat docks

Blacks on auction

Blacks on wagons

Blacks with masters in the houses

Blacks with bosses in the fields

Blacks in helmets toting rifles

Blacks in Harlem toting banjoes boots and quilts

Blacks on foot

Blacks on buses

Blacks on backwood hardwood stages singing blues

Blacks on Broadway singing too

Blacks can Charleston

Blacks can foxtrot

Blacks can bebop

Blacks can moonwalk

Blacks can beatbox

Blacks can run fast too

Blacks on

Blacks and

Blacks on knees and

Blacks on couches

Blacks on Good Times

Blacks on Roots

Blacks on Cosby

Blacks in voting booths are

Blacks in boxes

Blacks beside

Blacks in rows of houses are

Blacks in boxes too



“The Blue Suess” is from Wind in a Box (Penguin, 2006)