Jefferson Navicky Q&A reads a favorite poem
Jefferson Navicky reads the poem “14 Penobscot Street” by Elizabeth Tibbetts from her collection Say What You Can.
Jefferson Navicky reads the poem “14 Penobscot Street” by Elizabeth Tibbetts from her collection Say What You Can.
Rosalie Moffett reads and talks about her favorite poem, Marie Howe’s “The Gate.”
Chen Chen reads and talks about Kazumi Chin’s poem “The Very Last New Year’s Resolution,” from Chin’s collection Having a Coke With Godzilla.
Silvina López Medin discusses and reads the poem “Es infinita esta riqueza abandonada” by Edgard Bayley.
Claudia Prado discusses and reads the poem “Carbón” by Gonzalo Rojas
Sandra Lim Q&A talks about a favorite poem by Emily Dickinson.
Colin Cheney reads and talks about his favorite poem, “Finding Something,” by Jack Gilbert.
Luljeta Lleshanaku talks about the genesis of her poem, "Used Books." Her answer is translated here from the Albanian by Ani Gjika.