Fishouse Live at City Lights
On May 17, 2007, From the Fishouse and City Lights Books were pleased to present a reading by poets
Barbara Jane Reyes, Matthew Shenoda, Camille T. Dungy, Maria Hummel, and Shane Book at
City Lights in San Francisco, California.
Listen to the full reading (approximately 64 minutes) or listen to the poems individually:
- Full Reading (all five poets)
- Reyes Full Reading
- Consider This Procession
- The Opposite of Eden
- I Missed the Parades This Week
- From the Street Corner’s Beat Up Boom Box
- A Compendium of Angels
- Estuary
- Shenoda Full Reading
- Remember Me
- Apparition
- Miracle Song
- Veranda Views
- Night Song
- Silence Speaks
- Dungy Full Reading
- What You Want
- Arthritis is one thing, the hurting another
- Since Everyone Can Never Be Safe
- black spoon
- Hummel Full Reading
- Dear Sirs
- Pumpkin with a Thousand Faces
- The Wait
- Ultrasound
- One Kiss (by Tess Gallagher)
- Book Full Reading
- Hanging Around
- A laborious wakefulness or was it a most unapologetic whistling in the ear
- They Are Not Bits of Clockwork
- Stark Room