Mammoth Resurrected
Before my birth, father was more than fossil; pickled in tundra, he still had his undercoat of grizzle, teeth, and a knee broken […]
Before my birth, father was more than fossil; pickled in tundra, he still had his undercoat of grizzle, teeth, and a knee broken […]
Human Co. is filled, as necessary, with thin, near-torso-less bodies. Graceful arabesques falling from the oval thumbprint of the head. One must imagine the curve of the ribs, the splay of the back; even, to some extent, the span of the shoulders. So much of the body has been given to the stage. Humans […]
How deep? Some six thousand meters, in meters. In light years it’s further than Vega. Deep as any man’s pride and then some— you can hear the Earth move her bowels. Men sink in a blue submersible: eight sets of restraints and an airlock that drops off new inmates like roe. There’s always an odd […]
Diclofenac, prescribed for gout or arthritis, wends into the poem to explain the thousands of vultures—long- & slender-billed, oriental white-backed & griffin—& owls who carrion-clean what the vultures of northern Indian skies leave on skinned cattle shot full of the drug, & I find myself speaking another poem’s tongue, saying something about rosemary […]
If you sleep the night inside someone, her cells,saltwater-stained, fuse with yours like the blood of twins. Apes in Mauritania grow stronger, Galileo tells us, influenced by the sphere of angels. Here, then—thumbnail sketches for zoning changes along the riparian bank of the species boundary, for chimera. Like fiber optics, human nerves […]
Is it the sea we wish? The sleep of the changeless? […]
Like flash bulb, maybe a firefly, she felt herself flare & then dim, & then waited for the surge of matter she had no means to measure in her gut. Glass ceiling but no visible stars, intimation of leaves. On the workbench, transfigured earth singing, &, though she can’t know this, singing in […]
Not cantata—sonata. Whatever they were, the first birds of spring, the doctor kneaded your breast counterclockwise. Discovering the mass, he needled a bit of blood & core, asked me to push Print— a sonogram I could imagine Beethoven, maddened by syphilis or […]